
1.20 Usability Improvements

Upkeepr Version 1.20 Release Notes
Date: Monday 29 August 2022
Location: Arlington, VA, USA

This release is focused on usability improvements. We’ve enhanced the New Item Wizard, managing Vendors for activities, and our new Projects feature.

• New Item Wizard – We enhanced the wizard to let you give your new item a custom name and upload a picture. We also show you the optional common info fields so you can fill in any details you have. The more details you provide (especially manufacturer and model number) the better we can help with suggested links to YouTube, Amazon, and eBay.

Wizard Item Custom Name and PictureWizard Item Common Info Fields

• Vendors – We enhanced vendor records so you can more easily add existing or create new activities that they’re helping you with.

• Projects – We fixed a few issues with projects and made it easier to add many activities (existing or new) for the same item. For example, you could create a project like Garage Tune-Up and easily add existing recurring activities Clean tracks and door for Garage, Lubricate moving door parts for Garage, and Repair worn garage door hardware for Garage and then add a new one-off activity of Hang storage wrack for Garage, all from the Project Planning mode.